Nduna Maduna



Nduna Maduna is a South African based spoken word artist, philosopher, philanthropist, and an all-round artist. Proclaimed as the young Steve Biko, with a tongue as sharp as the spear of King Shaka – piercing the dark aura of injustices inherited from apartheid. His words fruitful, planting faith to those whose knees were left weak from toy-toying. He speaks of their pain as if he’s felt it, as if he went through it – so that those who are going through it know that they are not alone. And just like Martin Luther King – he has a dream, that maybe one day Black Consciousness won’t just be woke but will awaken dead dreams we had as infants.

What is Poetry to me?
A vice to save a life, when you write encouragement – you don’t only fuel your Soul but perform it to hundreds then you fuel a nation. Yes the injustices of Apartheid crippled us but let’s help each other heal. Poetry saved my Life. When friends turned to gangsters and got killed, I turned mute and picked up a pen. I pray the Art I make could save lives.

Terrace Road 4
Johannesburg 2192 GP ZA
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Mon - Sat: 08:00 - 00:00